The Flash Object allows you not only to load and play Macromedia
Flash animations, but with this object, you can control all
the MMB scripting actions directly from the Macromedia
Flash Action Script! Therefore, you can use your own Flash
file as a powerful scripting addition to the basic MMB
scripting รป e.g. for parsing strings, advanced math, adding
some new UI elements, like a check/option boxes, combo boxes,
spinning objects, tables and charts, etc. However, this option
requires at least a minimal knowledge of Flash development
and especially the Flash Action Script language.
In The Flash Object settings dialog you can specify the Flash file and some usual Flash options like a quality level, if Flash movie should be run after loading a page, running the movie from a certain frame, enabling/disabling the right click menu or change the background color of movie, etc.
The Flash movie can be specified in a "Load Movie" input field by an absolute or relative path (by <SrcDir> or <SrcDrive> commands) to the files on your harddisk, however you can specify also a "live" Flash movie placed on Internet ( In addition, you can use the Flash file embedded to the project.
Play: Simply run the Flash file after page load.
Loop: It will cause Loop the Flash playback.
Hide menu: completely disable the Flash right click menu.
Min. menu: switch the Flash right click menu to minimized state with only the basic Flash controls. This option is disabled if Hide menu option is enabled.
Keep Aspect Ration: It will peserve the aspect ratio of loaded flash file.
Preserve Original Size: Flash file will be loaded in its original size.
Override background color: Replace the Flash background color.
Run from Frame: Run the flash from a defined frame.
For Flash related scripting commands look here. Some Flash example projects can be found here or here.